Thursday, March 5, 2009


This is a girl's shirt, but I think it would be cute for boys too--possibly in a different fabric. I couldn't decide if I should give him an eye or not!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Spring Shirts

I have had fun coming up with new designs that are perfect for spring and summer. These pictures show an alligator and a pig. I think they are both so cute! The alligator has black Swarovskis for the eyes. I had a hard time deciding between those and black buttons. I think either give a nice touch. The fabric I used for the appliques on both shirts is a knit material. I am working on a few other new designs and will post those soon.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Solid Hair Bows

My last post with hair bows just showed patterns, so I wanted to show some solids. I have so many more colors than this, but here are a few. I can also create "made to match" bows for a certain outfit that needs a special bow!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Minnie Mouse

I made this Minnie Mouse shirt for my daughter to wear when we go to Disney World. I also made her a hair bow to wear that matches the little bow on Minnie's head--so cute!! Please ignore the horrible picture quality; I am still working on mastering when and how to use the flash!